domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016

International exams

Hola, estimados seguidores de este espacio.Tras una semana de vacaciones y no publicar, les hablaré sobre los exámenes internacionales en inglés.Asimismo, a partir de ahora, los artículos de esta sección estarán escritos en la lengua que estamos aprendiendo. So, let's start!

It's time to face an international exam and you might be worried about that . Feel better beacuse now I'm going to give you some tips for being ready and having good scores. 

Listening part:

You must know most international exams are made to commite some mistakes. For example, when an audio recording is playing, you probably know only ´´key´´ words and thats good because it's not neccesary to understand all the audio. What I mean when I say that ? Easy, most students concretrate just in unknown words and they get shocked (All their minds became blocked)and that's bad, even if you're in an international exam. So, my first tip is about Listen for general information.

Perhaps, another factor of thinking listening tests are hard may be the lack of vocabulary. It happens especially if you study American English and you want to take a British exam. You have to note vocabulary will depend of the context you are in. Here are some differences between British and  American English.
Here some words: (The blue ones mean British while the yellow ones mean American)
flat = apartment

pavement= sidewalk

lift= elevator

And there are many others words.

Important: The pronunciation is a bit different, too. British english speakers omit the sound 'r' when it's put at the end of a word. 
Here's a sample: PET exam(For being in B1 level = low - intermediate)

Reading and writing:

In some exams(KET , PET ,FCE ,CAE) it's worth around 50% of your last score. This part of the main test is made in order to be sure the student knows how to use the properly way of the vocabulary and grammar. When you're reading an article wich is going to be provided in your test, you will find unknown words,too . Don't foccus on those ones beacause you will only get confused again. 
When you're writing, be sure on the number of words correspond to the instructions. It's not good to have less and more words they give you. So, Wacht out!

Be sure on what you are writing, you're using the correctly grammar and vocabulary according to the level you are in.
Click this link in order to practice reading skills:(TOEFL)


Maybe , the eaziest part for someones or the hardest one. Sometimes , the value of this part is around 25 %.  If you want to have a good score, you must use some common phrases  used in real English. For example, it's important to emphasis on what you are talking about. Try to make your pronuntiation as well as native speakers.

Here's a sample:

To finish
You must know there are 6 levels in english, according to Cambridge. From A1( Beginner) to  ,C2(Proficiency). Make sure on the exam you want to take. Here's a chart.

Well guys, that's all for today thanks so much for paying attention to this section . Take care and see you next time.

Sources; . OHPTEbDdRwSD5N_LQKgCLcB/s1600/Cambridge_English_exams_and_the_CEFR.png

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